Monday, December 21, 2009

A Change in Plans

To My Legions of Adoring Fans:
You might have noticed or perhaps you don't care, but I am now writing for They are a good group of people with genuine passion and interest for the gaming industry. I consider myself lucky to write for this crew. That said, I will continue to update this, my personal blog, with random crap. It might be a review of a breakfast cereal, I might be a ranking of different toilet papers, it might be some non-sensical ramblings, it might be a hiaku. I don't know. I really have no idea so I'm just gonna wing it. If you have any ideas or thoughts, send them my way.

Much Love,

1 comment:

  1. So, what have you written up on their site? I've been diggin and couldn't find it/them/etc.
